Swim People Speak

Word of Mouth

Even seemingly satisfied and engaged customers sometimes leave your swim school, and it's not always due to moving away or changes in their family schedule—some simply seek a change or ‘break’. It's important to always break on good terms because they may later question their decision or have the opportunity to refer your swim school to a colleague or friend.

Remember, just because they aren't currently attending lessons doesn't mean they stop supporting your services. They are your word-of-mouth advert.

Help your customer know their pathway in your programme.

In many swim schools, customers often lack a clear understanding of the long-term journey and milestones their children will experience. To address this, you need to design a clear, detailed roadmap of the swim education process and communicate it effectively to the families. This will help set accurate expectations, highlight achievable goals, and prepare them for the more challenging stages. No foget to inform the family, there will be a time when the swimmers hit the progress plateau.

If you don’t inform them, then someone else will and this may not be be correct.

Are your most skilled teachers teaching at the crucial stages of your swim lessons where students struggle the most?

These key stages typically include initial water comfort and basic skills, mastering Freestyle with side breathing, and learning the Breaststroke.

It's essential to have your most experienced teachers guide students through these challenging points.

This approach not only accelerates student progress but also enhances overall satisfaction, potentially turning them into enthusiastic advocates for your swim school.

Similarly, assign your top staff to address customer complaints effectively, ensuring high-quality service and resolution.

Discover the latest trends in software for swim schools with Lane Harrison

Recently I sat down with Lane Harrison from First Class software to catch up on the latest trends when it comes to technology and swim school software.

In this interview Lane shares

  • How he got started in the swim school software space

  • What are some of the latest trends when it comes to swim school software functionality

  • How can swim school software help swim schools

  • What should swim schools be mindful of when looking for the right software for their business

  • Visit https://www.firstclassretention.com/

The full interview can be watched here: https://vimeo.com/1010510509

Who is on of your team, and who are you learning from?

Have you explored connections beyond your local area or industry?

Learning from diverse sources can enrich your knowledge. Remember, actively participating in discussions not only helps others but also:

  1. Demonstrates your willingness to learn and assist.

  2. Highlights your areas of expertise and reveals where you need to improve.

  3. Helps you grow your network as people see you as a contributor, not just a consumer.

  4. Enables you to revisit and continue conversations later.

Being passive and only taking from interactions can limit your learning opportunities.

Having worked directly with Scott for over two years, I have found him to be one of the most knowledgeable and approachable leaders in my eleven year career in the swim school industry.

Scott’s attention to detail and practical knowledge of swimming mechanics are all first rate, while his passion for Learn to Swim operations and enhancing the customer experience in this realm shine through in every conversation and with each new endeavour.

Extraordinarily easy to work with; he has been a positive and influential mentor for me personally and his guidance has greatly impacted my ability to manage people and lead a business.

From small teams to multi-site organisations, Scott’s insight and wealth of experience can lend weight and will add significant value.

Patrick O’Connor - Operations Manager

Carlile Swimming Lane Cove West.

Swim City Lower Hutt invited Scott to review the swim school twice, first in 2010 and again in 2021.

On both occasions, Scott approached the review with an open mind, taking the time to understand the operations and our people.

His comprehensive and thorough understanding of our daily operations allowed him to provide an extensive report. This report highlighted our strengths and ongoing successes while identifying opportunities for improvement and suggesting actionable steps to achieve them.

If you aim to enhance your swim school and create a program that staff and customers are eager to be part of, contacting Scott is one of the best steps you can take.

Kay Lindsay

Swim City Manager

How is your recruitment?

Your swim school isn't just about teaching swimming—it's fundamentally a recruitment business. The top-performing swim schools excel not only in their programmes but crucially, in how effectively they recruit and retain talented staff. While most schools follow similar teaching methodologies, the real differentiator often lies in the team members themselves.

Ask yourself: Is your recruitment process designed to attract the kind of talent you truly need? Are the right representatives involved in hiring, those who not only embody your school's values but also possess the necessary skills to spot and engage the ideal candidates? Successful recruitment relies on meaningful, two-way conversations that resonate with potential hires.

If you feel your recruitment strategy could be improved, don't hesitate to reach out.

A call to discuss how I can assist is completely free, and together, we can ensure that your swim school is staffed by exceptional individuals who are as passionate about teaching swimming in New Zealand as we are.

Why did they choose your car park?

I recently facilitated an exercise with a client that proved quite insightful, so I thought it might be worth sharing.

We began by asking: Would a parent bypass a local swim school to drive their child to another one further away? The consensus was a quick "Yes."

The follow-up question then was: Why would they choose to park in your car park instead of somewhere else? This prompted a thoughtful silence before we sharpened our pencils and got to work. Over the next 30 minutes, we brainstormed and outlined a list of things that this swim school does really well and should continue to focus on.

If you're wondering how to make your swim school the chosen destination for families, I'm here to help. Feel free to give me a call.